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Recommended field types

For each of the connection types used for the GTServer client database, here are the recommended field types for the tables specified in the launch actions and the integration actions:

Field typeSQL Server 2005SQL Server 2008 to 2014OraclePostgresDB2
Realfloatfloatbinary_doubledouble precisiondouble
Limited text
(p char.)
Long textnvarchar(max)nvarchar(max)clobtextclob
Date and timedatetimedatetimetimestamptimestamp without time zonetimestamp
Timedatetimetimetimestamptime without time zonetime
Check boxtinyinttinyintnumber(3)smallinttinyint ou int

In the case of SQL Server, the recommended field types depend on the DBMS version AND the type of connection chosen in GTServer.

Boolean or bit fields should generally be avoided as the data storage or driver behaviour is often unsatisfactory.

Non-variable length text fields (char or nchar for most databases) are strongly discouraged (spaces may be added when GTServer extracts the data)

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